Shell Recycling


CT Sea Grant Shell Recycling Coordinator

Why Recycle Shells?

The oyster beds of Long Island Sound are unique in that they are among the few remaining sustainable oyster habitats in the world. These populations provide important ecosystem services that benefit the state’s environment, economy and culture. Oyster shell recycling is identified as a priority action identified to support restoration of oyster habitats in the Connecticut Shellfish Restoration Guide. Using shells for this purpose is important because:

  • Oysters improve water quality by filtration and nutrient mitigation, provide habitat for a myriad of marine organisms, serve as protection against coastal erosion, increase capture fisheries production, and the farming of oysters provides important maritime jobs and food.
  • Oyster shell is the preferred substrate for oyster settlement
  • Oyster shell is in short supply due to years of discarding it or using it for other purposes
  • Shell recycling reduces waste and returns it to LIS to restore oyster populations
  • Oyster restoration results in improved ecosystem services for numerous organisms

Over the last two years, several steps have been taken to begin the process of restoring Connecticut’s oyster beds. A key action was the establishment of Connecticut Public Act 21-24 which allows the state to accept and facilitate funding to support oyster shell recycling and restoration. State officials are encouraging communities to recycle shells to help the state rebuild critical oyster habitat.